Indeed, the Emperor has new clothes, and they apparently consist of a Ludicra shirt. I didn’t know that old coot was so cool. I bet Darth is more into NSBM and Burzum, though. He’s racist against the sand people.
The Ludicra show last Saturday was real neat. I like the Hazmat, and I think everyone had a swell time. Rebel’s Advocate and Born/Dead both really kicked a lot of butt.
Ludicra was stoked to play our first all-ages show in years. I have bruises on my head for accidentally head banging some folks in the noggin’… sorry about that. It was so packed it felt like we were stuck between Scylla and Charybdis, or a rock and a hard place, or the heat and the kitchen, or Former Representative Mark Foley and any given Evangelical minister from Denver.

It was a good show to be the last one I play in 2006. Good feelings, especially of the fermented grape sort. It was a uniquely unified crowd I thought, with complete madness going on, but no big fights or anything, despite some people having other people’s foot stuck in their mouths during the crowd walking.
Our good friend Dan, who provided the video footage on the Ludicra s/t EP was good enough to film some of it, and he’s already posted it here. If you weren’t there, check out what you missed, and if you were, check out your own headbanging and be self conscious that it wasn’t hard enough. Wait… maybe just I do that.
After the show I stopped by Bill from Strung Up’s new punk rock store / apartment, and some weird girl took pictures of me next to their awesome old antique oven. Give me those pictures, girl! I’m Amish, and you’ve stolen MY SOUL!