Ghoulection 2012: Transmission Two

The best part of the last week is that there has been so little to write about. After the drama and problems of the previous week, we’ve had a largely smooth ride of it. Like the Bones Brigade, we just been rolling.

We drove all night to Toledo, Ohio and arrived early at Headliner’s. According to Jim, a terrible teevee show, but according to Jim the GWAR truck driver, he was surprised to not see us late. Yipes. Anyway, we took the extra time to get an oil change, an oft forgotten piece of tour maintenance.

Headliner’s was… interesting. It’s a place in flux. So much so that the backstage toilet was installed DURING the show. The load out was a bit chaotic as well. It started raining and our trailer was unhooked because a jack ass parked in front of our unhooked trailet. Who does that? Luckily, someone from the club, or we’d have been figgedity fucked moving the trailer to the load out area like pack of bipedal mules.

Lexington, KY was next and a total surprise at the awesomeness of it all. Not saying I expected anything less, it was just over the top awesome fun with an absolutely mad crowd. We got to hang with our friends in the Hookers and had a smashing time.

Joliet, IL was a bit rough. The entire tour took over the tiny kitchen area for a backstage. The GWAR “castle” had to be downsized to a split level apartment to fit the tiny stage. I played next to the staircase, literally menacing people headed to the mezzanine face-to-face. It was another great night, though, and we got to meet the artist of our album cover, Bill Hauser. Awesome artist and great guy!

On the way to Wisconsin, I picked up a rather important piece of new gear. See, I got sick of hacking up from being a weak addict, so I’m trying out the eCig. So far, it’s helping me cut down and I’m digging it.

One thing I don’t mind be addicted to is Wisconsin cheese. Near the Majestic Theater in Madison I had the second best ever bowl of mac ‘n’ cheese ever. First best? Unicorn in Seattle. Oh yeah, the show was great, too! Fuck, this is boring. Everything is great.

Madison was another nice night when we met our new pals Kristen and Mercedes. Kristen took good care of us and ripped it up as punk rock DJ at her pad and made sure we got fed the next day.

In Des Moines, I got to meet up with my friends Krista and Josh. Krista met Josh at an Impaled show in Des Moines some years ago and they ended up married. Impaled brings love! And G.O.R.E.! The show was great. Again. Sigh.

Next we drove into the night to Tulsa. Muggy, muggy Tulsa. This show was a bit more worrisome, being that it was earlier and I was afraid the tigers wouldn’t even be outta school before we went on. I was wrong. Another great show. Holy shit tards, something best go wrong soon or this journal is gonna be dull as fuck. Well, at least Dave Brockie finally got to meet his hero, Oderus Urungus.

Now we’ve had a day off between Tulsa and Lincoln. We’re in ghettotel and recuperating for more awesomeness to come. And some of us have decided the best way to beat a cold is to galavant about town, drinking until they puke on themselves. You say tomato, I say potato.

If this continues, I may have to just start breaking things for something to do. Time for a relaxing swim in the lovely pool.

3 thoughts on “Ghoulection 2012: Transmission Two

  1. My god, if I had known your tour was so blah, maybe I should have set myself on fire and ran down the street? Or maybe planning your tours during winter and summer could give you a much more adventurous trip 😉

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